Evie's Latest Adventure

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A Birthday Gift

Some people jump out of an airplane for birthdays--Evie decides it's a great day to go to LA for surgery! Let's wish her the best of 45th birthdays as she hops a last major hurdle in her adventure. 

She told us this morning: "I’m feeling super good about all of it and am so grateful to be getting this done. I’ve wanted to get it done for years, even before all this happened. So I actually love the symbolism of it being one of the best birthday gifts ever. I’m always in awe of how God arranges everything so perfectly." 

If any locals would like to support the family with a meal when they're back, there are a few dates left. 

Do keep the prayers coming for her and Bob! The surgery is at 8:30 tomorrow morning (2/28) with prep beginning at 6:30. They plan to stay the night and head home on Thursday. Please pray for Henry to have lots of special, fun times while they're away.  

We sure appreciate all the love for Evie! 

You’ll have to wait for the next blog post to hear about the Messi game. ;)